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Instructor 麦凯乐迈克 Brings Magical Touch to 爱达荷瀑布大学

Retired INL engineer joins research faculty at U of I’s 核工程学系.

对一些人来说, 核反应过程核反应的过程, thermodynamics and chemical processes might as well be magic. The average person doesn’t understand how these processes can create energy that warms homes, 清洁水或产生化学物质.

But 麦凯乐迈克 loves these systems and has the ability not only to understand them, but model them and find ways to make these processes more efficient.

For McKellar, the magic of engineering is what he loves. And it’s precisely his ability to understand complex processes that also makes him a successful performing magician.

“There are a lot of people that enjoy the sciences and who really enjoy magic as well. When you have a mathematical mind, you understand math and physics. There is a branch of magic where that gives you the advantage,麦凯勒说, 大学的研究教员 工程学院欧洲杯买球,爱达荷福尔斯. “如果你懂得魔法的数学原理, you can actually enter in to a realm th在 magic actually looks impossible.”


原产于犹他州, McKellar earned his bachelor’s degree in mechanical engineering from Brigham Young University and went on to get a master’s and doctorate in mechanical engineering from Purdue University in Indiana. In March 2017, McKellar retired after a 26-year career at 爱达荷国家实验室, where he worked as a research and development engineer.

“The type of mechanical engineering I like is more chemical engineering. It’s more transfer of heat, the making of power, developing chemical processes,他说. 他的专长是建模。. “I take the heat from the nuclear reactor and either model the power that it makes, 或者我可以模拟热量, 例如, 水清理.”

McKellar then uses his models to find ways to make these complex processes more efficient and environmentally friendly. He’s interested in applying those principles to industries outside energy production, such as helping Idaho’s dairy and potato industries use water and energy more efficiently. He’s also working on the early stages of a project to help regional food manufacturers lessen their dependence on fossil fuels.

McKellar began teaching in the 核工程学系 at U of I 爱达荷瀑布 in September 2017. He has always been passionate about education and has taught magic for years.

“我喜欢教书。. I absolutely love the students that are in my class. I’m so impressed by how bright they are and how eager they are to learn and it’s just deeply satisfying,他说. “They’ll come to me and they’ll ask me questions, 只要有学生来我家, 我尽量给他们所需的时间. 这是我最喜欢这份工作的地方.”

麦凯乐迈克 joined the engineering faculty at 爱达荷瀑布大学 in fall 2017.
“There are a lot of people that enjoy the sciences and who really enjoy magic as well. 如果你懂魔法的数学原理, you can actually enter in to a realm th在 magic actually looks impossible.”麦凯乐迈克


McKellar’s interests occasionally collide when his students ask him to perform magic, such as at a family night for nuclear science students. McKellar is a member of the regional ring of the 国际魔术师兄弟会该组织在爱达荷州东南部约有15名成员. He performs six or seven shows a month for area nonprofits and private parties. He doesn’t charge for his nonprofit shows and twice a year performs 在 juvenile detention center.

“我是魔法艺术的忠实粉丝. 我喜欢玩纸牌魔术和硬币魔术. 我用绳子变魔术. 我有连接金属环,”他说. He’s also begun to learn mentalism, or mind-reading. “当你在使用普通魔法的时候, 人们可以消除他们的怀疑, but they know th在re might be a trick behind it. 这是有趣的. 唯心主义, you start moving into a point where people start to ask questions that maybe there’s something beyond.”

But McKellar isn’t interested in being deceptive or spooky.

“I do assure everyone that everything I do, they can do too with years of practice,他说. “魔法不是用来愚弄人的. If it’s done right, it’s about bringing a sense of astonishment and wonder.”

McKellar, who earned the rank of Eagle Scout as a youth, has volunteered with the 美国大提顿童子军理事会 for around 15 years, where he assists with training programs for adult leaders and youth members. He also serves on the board for the Mountain Falls Apartments project, 哪家公司为老年人提供低收入住房.

“I do it because I feel it’s important to give back. 参与童子军活动, I now have very close friends throughout southeast Idaho, 我可以依靠的人,麦凯勒说. “I guess I really enjoy it because the people I work with are just outstanding people and really make me a better person.”

Article by Savannah Tranchell, University Communications and Marketing.

发表于2018年5月号 爱达荷瀑布杂志.






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